Metinoks Mekatronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
The packages prepared by the jetpack can be ordered and sorted etc. 12 bobbins (4 x 3).

Once the package is ready, inserting it into the composite polyethylene bag 3 sides are exposed to thermo bonding porcess.

Shrink the paste by inserting it into the thermo-shrink furnace operation is performed.

The shrinked package is picked up by JETPAL and palletized.

JetBag/P Technical Specifications
Installed electrical power 4 KW
Compressed air supply pressure 6 Bar
Compressed air consumption 200 Nl / min - 30 Lt / min
Maximum bobbin diameter 300 mm
Minimum bobbin diameter 160 mm
Packing material High density polyethylene
Film width 800-1200 mm
Film lenght (pincers stroke) 800-1600 mm
Maximum film roller diameter 320 mm
Average machine weight 600 Kg
Production 600 bobbins / hour 
(Depending on type of bobbin used)