Metinoks Mekatronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Outer Diameter 150 mm to 300 mm yarn bobbins are wrapped with a polyethylene film (shimmering) by pushing them through the tapers without touching the yarn, and consequently wrapping the yarn bobbins by inserting the yarn bobbins into the cone.

Since there is no gluing process during bagging, bagging is very fast and it is very easy to open when the bag is opened again.

After bagging, the contact of the yarn package with the air is completely cut off. On average, this part can pack 1 coil in 4 seconds.

Film (Shimmering) size according to package diameter adjustable. This range is 800 mm To 950 mm.

Packed bobins If desired, all in the same direction It can be arranged in reverse and flat.

JetPack Technical Specifications
Installed electrical power 1,5 KW
Compressed air supply pressure 6 Bar
Compressed air consumption 230 Nl / min - 35 Lt / min
Maximum bobbin diameter 300 mm
Minimum bobbin diameter 160 mm
Packing material High density polyethylene
Film width 800-1000 mm
Film lenght (pincers stroke) 700-800-900-1000 mm
Maximum film roller diameter 240 mm
Average machine weight 800 Kg
Production 900 bobbins / hour 
(Depending on type of bobbin used)