Metinoks Mekatronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
The packages prepared by the jetpack can be ordered and sorted etc. 12 bobbins (4 x 3).

The machine allows the packages to be palletized on a plaque with a maximum of 1200x1200 mm and height of 2500 mm.

Automatic pallet feeding with weighing device, which measures pallet tare and gross weight on request, is possible.

Automatic strectching process can be done at the end of palletizing.

JetPal Technical Specifications
Installed electrical power 4 KW
Compressed air supply pressure 6 Bar
Compressed air consumption 200 Nl / min - 30 Lt / min
Maximum bobbin diameter 300 mm
Minimum bobbin diameter 160 mm
Packing material High density polyethylene
Film width 800-1200 mm
Film lenght (pincers stroke) 800-1600 mm
Maximum film roller diameter 320 mm
Average machine weight 600 Kg
Production 600 bobbins / hour 
(Depending on type of bobbin used)